For years I have relied on a heat pump for my winergy business. The heat pump has never failed to give me heating when I need it or cooling during the sticky summers. I have never experienced foul smells, loud noises or the unit turning off. How is this possible? Three words, heat pump service. 

The reason my heat pump has been a champion unit is that I invested in heat pump service twice a year. A lot of people pause at the word twice. Why two times? It would be the same thing if I had an air conditioner and a heater. Each unit gets attention out of peak season. So what if the heat pump is all combined in one magical unit. It is good for the system to get cleaned, tightened and cared for every six months. I want my device to last as long as ten years. There is no way the heat pump will do that without a little fine tuning. 

Being on it with service means repairs are caught early. Some people end up with giant HVAC repairs because they allowed the system to operate dirty for too long. My twice a year service ensures repairs are caught before they get out of hand. Think about it. Your HVAC maintenance is the same as getting an oil change on your car or your teeth cleaned. The more you do it, the better the condition. The more you neglect your investment, the higher chance you will need to repair or maybe update it completely.


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