I am a winemaker and finding the right HVAC system for my wine facility was no easy feat. After lots of research and deliberation, I settled on a heat pump system. Quickly it became apparent that saying I wanted a heat pump system would not be enough. Did you know that there are three different kinds of heat pump devices? There is air to air, water source and a geothermal heat pump option. What kind of heat pump did I want for a little wine facility? Well I had to go back to the drawing board and research each type. Here is what I have decided from the different kinds of heat pumps.

The first option and most common choice of heat pump would be an air source device. This device works just how it sounds, it moves the air. If you want heating or cooling, the heat energy is moved to the proper location. In the winter all the existing heat outdoors is pumped to the indoor air handler. In the summer the heat energy indoors is pushed outside to the outdoor air compressor. It is extremely efficient when compared to baseboard heating or furnaces. It actually uses around 50% less electricity than those two devices. You can even choose to not have ductwork with the heat pump and it becomes a mini split. Not relying on ductwork means you have less of a chance of dusty indoor air quality and leaks in the system promoting higher energy bills. Did you know that ducts can count towards 30% of energy consumption?


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