Central air conditioners use refrigerant to pull heat from the indoor air and transfer it outdoors, creating a cooling effect.

Today’s air conditioners have replaced ozone-depleting Freon refrigerant with a more friendly variation.

As a result of the Clean Air Act of 2010, Freon or R22 refrigerant has been completely phased out. Today’s cooling system’s run on R410A refrigerant, which is also known as Puron. It is less harmful to the environment due to the lack of chlorine in the mixture. Puron offers superior energy efficiency, air quality, reliability and comfort. Purong and Freon are not interchangeable. Older models that use R22 cannot be filled with Freon refrigerant. Because Freon is no longer available, any issues with a refrigerant leak will require a system replacement. An upgrade can actually pay for itself in energy savings very quickly. Newer models offer much higher efficiency ratings than a twenty-year-old model. Any AC unit with a SEER rating below ten is a huge drain on the budget. A modern alternative uses far less electricity to provide more effective cooling. There are air conditioners on the market that achieve up to 26 SEER. Plus, many cooling systems now offer smart features, further helping to conserve energy. The ability to upgrade to a smart thermostat incorporates automated adjustment and trims running costs. Zone control allows independent temperature settings in each room, catering to specific requirements and eliminating the need to cool an empty space. While air conditioners with a high SEER rating are more expensive to purchase, they cost less to operate. They frequently include incentives, rebates and potential tax breaks. Plus, a new air conditioner is an opportunity for proper sizing. If any energy saving measures have been implemented, such as new windows, new roof or added insulation, the home doesn’t require as large of a cooling unit. An oversized air conditioner is more money to purchase and will cool air ineffectively. If the outdated unit is the wrong size for the home, a replacement can resolve performance complaints.

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