For areas with severe winter weather, it can be a challenge to create a perfectly warm living environment.

The cost of heating adds up quickly.

If the furnace is older, it might struggle to keep up with demand. Too often, homeowners feel they are saving money by putting off a heating system replacement. Getting by with an outdated furnace often adds up to greater expense than an update. In many cases, the furnace was already installed when the family moved into the home. They might not have any idea how old the furnace actually is. Either the owner’s manual or looking up the system’s serial number online can determine its age. With proper maintenance, the average lifespan of a furnace ranges from fifteen to twenty years. Any heater older than fifteen years is a candidate for replacement. Today’s models are far more energy efficient. With AFUE ratings up to 98%, these options significantly trim heating costs and help to pay for themselves. An increase in utility bills is a sign that an older furnace is operating less efficiently. Wear and tear can gradually deteriorate performance and result in a larger concentration of dust and other contaminants introduced into the breathing air. Problems with indoor air quality can lead to serious health consequences and are a good reason to consider a new furnace. Issues with insufficient humidity and different temperatures from room to room can also be blamed on a failing furnace. As the system ages, it might struggle to deliver heat evenly throughout the home. If the operational sounds of the heater increase or develop buzzes, rattles or hums, there are most likely cracks, leaks and some major problems with the equipment. Any visible signs of rust or cracks around the furnace are cause for concern. For the sake of safety, comfort, health, budget and convenience, it’s better for homeowners to be proactive. Rather than waiting for the furnace to fail during the middle of a January blizzard, installation should be scheduled over the summer.

HVAC equipment


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