I am considering the investment into a new furnace. I’ve been debating because my current heating system is still operational, and it’s a very big project. It would require a considerable cost and cause some disruption to my home. However, I am reluctant to simply wait for my existing furnace to fail. It is over twenty years old and definitely reaching the end of its lifespan. In recent years, the heater has succumbed to minor but more frequent repairs. The cost of continual services is starting to add up. One of these days, it’s going to quit and be unable to be fixed. This will most likely happen when the furnace is working its hardest, right in the middle of the winter. My family could be left without heat during a January blizzard. Since the temperature in my local area can often plummet down to negative twenty-five degrees, a working heating system is super important.

I’d rather not be in a rush to get a heater installed. Instead of just accepting whatever the local HVAC contractor has available, I’d like to choose a furnace that is perfectly sized for the demands of the home. I’ve researched the latest features, and there are models on the current market that achieve up to 98% AFUE ratings. These furnaces include adaptable-speed technology, zone control and wifi connectivity. I’d be able to make changes to temperature through an app on my smartphone. I could set different temperatures in the various rooms of the house. The energy savings from the higher efficiency operation would certainly help to recover the cost. I’d also enjoy further savings because I wouldn’t be forced to heat a bunch of empty rooms to the perfect comfort level. And, the adaptable speed technology means that the furnace supplies only the exact amount of heat necessary to meet the thermostat setting. It conserves energy, avoids temperature fluctuations and causes less problems with overly dry air.


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