There are several different types of heat pumps, including ductless, air-source, water-source and ground-source models.

Heat pumps are a rather amazing innovation. The system combines both heating and cooling capacity into a single unit, taking up less space and reducing maintenance requirements. These modern temperature control solutions operate very much like a conventional air conditioner in cooling mode. The heat pump pulls heat out of the indoor air and transfers it outside by way of refrigerant. The process effectively creates a cooling effect. Heat pumps are especially good at combating excess humidity and keeping running costs reasonable. When the weather cools down, the system literally reverses the flow of refrigerant. Even on chilly days and nights, there is ambient heat available in the outdoor air. The heat pump takes advantage of this heat, using a compressor to bring it to a higher temperature before delivering it into the house. Because the heat pump makes use of existing heat rather than generating heat, it doesn’t need to burn fossil fuels. Eliminating the combustion process avoids the production of greenhouse gasses, fumes, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and formaldehyde. Heat pumps are wonderfully safe, clean and environmentally friendly. There are no hot surfaces that could potentially burn kids or pets. The purchase price and installation of a heat pump is quite a bit higher than a more traditional alternative. However, the one system takes care of year round comfort. Modern heat pumps feature something called adaptable-speed technology that makes them extremely energy efficient. Switching to a heat pump can considerably lower monthly utility costs. There are several different types of heat pumps, including ductless, air-source, water-source and ground-source models. Ductless heat pumps are very compact and easily installed. Water- and ground-source heat pumps are often referred to as geothermal systems and involve a much higher investment. Air-source heat pumps are probably the most common type and can be combined with a furnace to create a dual fuel system.


heat pump


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